Josué Blanco Balaguer


Josuè Blanco Balaguer is a Catalan composer based in Danmark. His work is based on the relationship between light, color and sound from a synesthetic point of view. Graduate in History on the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB), obtaining the mention in the speciality of Contemporary History.

Graduate in Composition at the Liceu Superior Conservatory of Music in Barcelona. Graduate in the Composition master program at Det Jyske Musikkonservatorium in Aarhus.

He has also collaborated with Press-music Spain as editor and critic, and with the Academy of Fine Arts of Sabadell (Acadèmia de Belles Arts de Sabadell) as head of the Auditorium and music programming.

In May 2019 he won the First Prize of the 1st Composition Contest of the Quatuor à l'ouest Festival, Crozon (France) with his first string quartet: Motýl.

In July 2019 he was resident artist at l'Estruch: Fàbrica de creació de les arts en viu (Barcelona), with the Project Iris: El so de la llum (Iris: The sound of light).

In May 2021 he won the First Prize of the Randers Kammerorkester KOMPONIST-KONKURRENCE 2021 with the piece Fjordens fortællinger. (Denmark)

In October 2021 the project Lyden af lys (The sound of light) was premiered on Your Rainbow Panorama (ARoS) with Ensemble Edge.

In October 2021 he won the honorable mention Juan Crisóstomo de Arriaga in the XXXII Young Composers Award of the SGAE-CNDM Foundation 2021(Spain). With the piece Pan (Bread)

He was Festival composer for Aarhus Kammermusikfestival 2022.

Some of the groups that have performed his music are: Cesi 133, Ensemble Edge, Liceu XXI, Marjal Ensemble, Ensemble Neo Ars Sonora, Input Duo, Ensemble Recherche, Randers Kammerorkester, UAB Orchestra, Sinfonia di Vetro, Aarhus Symphony Orchestra among others.
